The next great American love story begins as follows: I was 22 and life was a blossoming flower. Love was gliding away from me on the wings of bee, my fragile pollen vulnerable to the slightest breeze that would take me to my true love...but really I was driving home from my friend's house in my Nissan in the middle of suburban San Diego listening to Metallica. As eager as I was to find my true love, I didn't realize he would appear at my most vulnerable moment, and in fact turn out not to be my true love in even the slightest.
As I said, I was driving home after staying the night at a friend's house. As I turned right onto Black Mountain Road from Mercy Road...well I don't know what happened, frankly. I'm guessing I continued to drive up Black Mountain Road until I flew over the median, somehow missing the cars that literally fly down the other side of that road (there's a bump where you can totally get some air), and crashed into the well manicured (up until that point) hill on the other side of the road. Some of you Rancho Penasquitos-ites/Penasqutians may remember that we got a new "Welcome to Rancho Penasquitos" sign a few years back. You're welcome.
Anyway, the following bit mirrors that of a cliche war movie where we get random glimpses of consciousness during battle. I stumbled out of the car, I saw my mom through the door of the ambulance, I saw him. No, not God, but certainly a creation of his. My consciousness decided to hang out for a moment longer as I looked up into the gorgeous face of the Emergency Medical Technician. I swear they have a prerequisite for looks, because this is not the first time I have seen such beauty in the form of an EMT (not to mention they drive fast cars). So I look into his face and he looks into mine. I reach to touch his face and he caresses my bosom. Really, my hand gets caught in the IV and he is just sticking heart rate monitors to my chest. According to my mother, an actual conscious being at that point, I then told him, "At least buy me dinner first." I lost consciousness again after that. And although I never did hear from that beautiful man again, at least I know that even in my hours of darkness, I can be a classy lady.
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